4Fuel is a food supplement with Potassium, Magnesium, Creatine and Glutamine: the ideal hypertonic formula for post-workout mineral recovery. 4Fuel helps the recovery from tiredness, muscle weakness, cramps, excessive sweating as a result of intense exercise. > Promotes muscle performance>..
Amino(16)PRO Ajinomoto® is an exclusive combination of pure and selected Amino acids Ajinomoto®, with added B vitamins that help promote recovery and the prevention of muscle catabolism caused by intense physical efforts. Branched-chain Ajinomoto® amino acids are particularly suitable to keep m..
Aminonam Sport on eksklusiivne kombinatsioon puhastest ja rangelt valitud Ajinomoto® aminohapetest, lisatud B vitamiiniga, mis edendab taastumist ja aitab vältida lihaste katabolismi, mis võib tekkida intensiivsete füüsililiste jõupingutuste tõttu. Hargnenud ahelaga Ajinomoto® aminohaped on eriti so..
EnergyPrime - is a liquid supplement that comes in practical single-dose bottles which, thanks to the Royal Jelly, L-Carnitine, aqueous extracts of Guarana and Schisandra, Vitamins D and B12, Niacin and Folic Acid, helps recharge your batteries every day, fighting tiredness (Guarana, Schisandra, Vit..
FlowDREN - is a liquid supplement with draining action. Its formula, which contains highly concentrated vegetable extracts and naturally sourced ingredients, is designed to promote the drainage of bodily fluids and the body’s purifying function. The composition, rich in flavonoids and anthocyan..
GSHActive is an innovative supplement based on reduced Glutathione, Glycine, Glutamine,N-Acetylcystine (NAC) and Vitamin C, designed to provide a pool of powerful antioxidant substances.Glutathione acts like an anti-oxidant and it is capable to neutralize the free radicals that damage cell membranes..
Tablets formulation designed to support the body's natural defences and contribute to normal immune function, based on Zinc, Vitamins C, D and Betaglucans from Dried Biomass of Euglena Gracilis, a special microalga dried and fermented through a patented process.Ideal during seasonal changes and peri..
HydraFit - on ainulaadne mineraalsoolade, maltodekstriini ja vitamiinide segu, mis on spetsiaalselt loodud hüpotoonilise elektrolüüdi joogina (Osmolaarsus 190 mOsm/l). HydraFit - on ideaalne lahendus intensiivse trenni ajal liigse higistamise tõttu kaotatud mineraalsoolade asendamiseks . Magneesium ..
IRON PURE Innovative formulation based on Liposomal iron and Vitamins (A, B2, B9, B12 and C). Liposomal Iron, microencapsulated and micronized through the Lipofer® patented technology,presents important benefits. Iron is an essential nutrient for the production of hemoglobin present in red blood cel..
Iga Super Magnesium Liquid viaal sisaldab 400 mg Magneesiumi ja 160 mg C-Vitamiini. Ideaalne pärast treeningut. Magneesium on oluline mineraal, mis on meie keha jaoks absoluutselt hädavajalik, sest see takistab väsimust ja kurnatust ning aitab lihastel paremini töötada, aidates samal ajal kaasa valg..
Benefits:Maltodextrin based formulation, providing fast and long-lasting energy sourceProvides a blend of carbohydrates with staged time release50% maltodextrin dextrose equivalence 1950% maltodextrin dextrose equivalence 10With 500G Carnitine hydrochloride and Carnipure® tartrateVitamin C helps pro..